Submitted by: Dominickuw Watson
The flaw in focusing on keywords of this type rather than content is that the search engine operators actually look for and value good content i.e. the content that flows nicely, has correct spelling, good punctuation etc.
They do not value nonsensical paragraphs that are clearly written to attract search engine attention rather than to meet the requirements of visitors to the website that have arrived there for a specific purpose, to find great content and information on their topic of choice.
You only have to think about what happens when someone arrives on your website and either cannot make sense of what you have written or, equally as important, cannot find the information they are looking for. They do not value nonsensical paragraphs that are clearly written to attract search engine attention rather than to meet the requirements of visitors to the website that have arrived there for a specific purpose, to find great content and information on their topic of choice.
The term for what I am discussing is the bounce rate, the time a visitor spends on your website and how many pages they visit. If they only look at the first page or leave almost as soon as they arrive then you will register a high bounce rate, 100% basically says that they have not found what they came for and left immediately, a more acceptable level is 50%, but should be lower if possible, and that should be the minimum target any webmaster or blogger aspires to achieve.
Writing your blogs or websites with the objective of providing useful information that is well written and with appropriate keywords that describe the actual content of your site will result in far better search engine optimization than selecting keywords that are inappropriate or cannot be converted into sensible paragraphs of written text that can be understood and enjoyed by your visitors.
If you do your keyword research thoroughly and with this view in mind there is a high probability that you will find keywords that are high paying, low competition, with sufficient numbers of inquiries and that do fit with your content in a sensible and coherent fashion. Just the opposite is true in fact. Check out these facts, although many people do actually subscribe to blog updates via rss, many people never actually check out their feed readers. This is because Squidoo is considered an “authority” website by the search engines.
Similar to article marketing, but with one great advantage; did you know that you can actually post your blogs RSS feed into a squidoo lens and set it to automatically update every day (or even every 30 minutes if you’d like). This is a great way to promote links to your blog.
You would build a Squidoo lens that is the title of your blog, then add the “add my blog” module and select 60 or more posts to display. Similar to article marketing you want to start with the keyword or phrase people will be entering into the search engines to find the information you want to share.
1. Use your favorite keyword search tool and check your competition
Carefully choose the tags (keywords)
6. Select the appropriate categories (or create them)
7. Include theme based meta data and excerpt
Anticipate the Response
Every SEO Blog Post should anticipate direct response from visitors in order to continue the conversation and build valuable relationships; give them the means to stay engaged.
About the Author: Hello, I`m Monroe and i do SEO and internet marketing. i have a blog about seo and internet marketing
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