If the economic crisis we have experimented in the last years has taught us something, it is that people know how to look for new solutions and how to reinvent old ones in order to maintain their consumption levels.
Not only that, the market is also able to accommodate these needs through the creation or proliferation of more convenient alternatives for consumers, who have to make the most of their resources but also for producers and sellers, who have to make every euro spent on investments count.
Among the alternatives we can find today in the furniture market, one that is particularly convenient and that will most likely maintain its current success when the economy starts to look up is the furniture outlet.
These commercial centres aggregate a large number of furniture producers and thus making available to clients a vast array of furniture supply. The consumers, who often want to consider different furniture styles or simply are looking for items dedicated to different rooms of the house, prefer an establishment where they can take a look not only to the products of one supplier but of a larger number of them. Therefore, it also becomes crucial for producers to have a presence in these locations, and even more important to have a more visible presence than their competitors, maybe through the use of special offers and other merchandising techniques that will be able to capture the visitor s attention.
Traditional outlets were born as a place for special sales of out of catalog or defective items of which the producer wanted to get rid off and so sold at discounted prices. The more realistic and up to date definition the outlet would state that it is an aggregator of first level supply (and so not of faulty products) at low prices, for which often producers create special collections, dedicated to a market willing to buy but with lower purchasing power.
The evolution of these distribution centers is found in the web. The first sites matching supply and demand for the furniture industry, producers and potential clients have followed the wagon of the fashion industry and taken over the internet.
These websites are actual shopping galleries that allow users from home to browse through hundreds of catalogs and decide among a great variety of styles, which one is best for them.
Another advantage for consumers is that the prices of this furniture items can be even lower than the ones of a physic outlet since there are no transportation costs to an exposition site to cover and the items remain under the supplier s custody until the sale is closed.
In addition, the producers of furniture benefit from this model too. These websites, who act as intermediaries, usually receive a percentage of each sale completed in the portal, which means that their profit is subject to effective sales. Therefore if the supplier does not sell anything, nothing is due to the website, no entrance fee or fixed costs, reducing the risk of the supplier to 0. The website has to do this in order to have the largest number of suppliers available for their customers in the site, and so will offer good conditions to those willing to sell.
This article was written by Alba Lorente with support from
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