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Some Ways to Train a Dog or Puppy
Robert Jonson
Young dog or puppy is totally reliant and depended to help him habituate and fit into our human, domesticated world. Our guidance and leadership will determine what path his life takes and what type dog he will become. Dog behavior training can make an enormous difference to dog or puppy s life. It is sad fact of life that the vast majority of dogs that end up in animal shelters (or worse) are there because of a bad behavioral problem.
It doesn t have to be this way, most problems (like aggression and destructive behavior) are at the very least manageable, through proper dog behavior training. If we consistently apply the proper training techniques and add some commitment and patients, we are sure to achieve pleasing results with our dog or puppy. Every owner will be required to stop dog-chewing problems at some stage. When our puppies and dogs chew it is a perfectly acceptable and natural behavior for them. The real problem arises when they chew on inappropriate, dangerous or expensive items.
Dog s chew on just about anything they can wrap their mouths around. Dog s favorite chewing objects are socks, shoes, furniture and whippet; Puppy actually chewed a large whole in the side of our house! That we stop our dogs chewing not only because it frustrates us, but also because it can be very dangerous for our dogs. If our dog chews into electric wires, poisons and any number of other objects they could be in serious danger. Having said this it should also be noted that chewing n appropriate items offers many benefits to the health and well-being of our dog or puppy. Dog chewing prevention is your best option! As with most dog behavior problems it is far easier to prevent chewing problems from arising rather that trying to extinguish on established chewing habit. If we try these simple steps to help manage our dog or puppy s chewing :
01.Puppy proofs our home take away the temptation!
02.Provide our dog or puppy with a few tasty chew toys. Make is perfectly clear to your dog that if he/she needs to chew, is must be on the chew toys. It s a good idea to toss a dog toy stuffed with some tasty treats to our dog as we leave for work each morning.
03.We have to keep dog in a safe and confined area while we are away from home. This could be a dog crate, kennel run or any secure room in your house. Of course you should provide a few chew toys in this area and ensure that there are no dangerous objects present.
04.We have to provide dog with lots of exercise, both physical and mental when you are at home (games, obedience training, and tricks).
Robert writes the article on
Dog Training
Puppy Training
. For more information visit the site www.traindogshome.com
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