Submitted by: Dan Eitreim
V-day is fast approaching, and this year, when looking for gifts for boyfriend for Valentine’s Day, you need to make certain it is a memorable one. Chocolate and greeting cards just will not cut it. You want the one you love to feel extraordinary, to notice that you’ve put forth a real effort this time around, and more notably – to exhibit your love and commitment to your loved one.
It doesn’t matter if it is your first V-day with each other or your twentieth, this is the one day a year reserved for couples. It gives us a chance to slow down the speed of the daily grind and to focus our concentration on the single person who means the world to us.
The origin of Valentine’s Day is steeped in mystery but legend has it that Saint Valentine sent the first Valentine’s card while locked away in prison after trying to help Christians escape the harsh Roman prisons.
The valentine’s card he sent out was to a young woman who just happened to be his jailer’s daughter. She visited with him secretly during his confinement. Because they didn’t have long to talk, he would hand her a small card with loving messages, and the beginning of what we now call “Valentine’s Cards”.
Saint Valentine sent his final card the morning of his execution with the scribbled words, “Forever in life and death, your Valentine”.
Generally, we celebrate Valentine’s Day in a commercial way, with the shops overflowing with the selection of heart filled delicacies, stuffed teddy bears, romantic poetry written in the numerous Valentine’s greeting cards that talk to the heart and symbolize our deepest emotions. This can become very costly. When you are trying to find gifts for boyfriend for Valentine’s Day , you need to begin thinking more with your heart than your wallet.
As good as those commercial items tend to be, the road to design a TRULY treasured Valentine’s Day is to put away your billfold and put on your thinking cap. What can make this a “singular” day for him? (Or for her.) In thinking about what you could do for your gifts for a boyfriend for Valentine’s Day, here’s an easy one that could be done by anyone from teenagers up through us elderly people…
You might twist things up by making a romantic picnic lunch by spreading out a blanket on your bed room floor, or at the local park, any site private enough to use a little time enjoying each others company. You could even rent out a hotel room for the night so that you’re able to give your companion a change of scenery.
Fill a picnic basket using your favorite goodies and be certain to set up a chilled bottle of wine or champagne – or a bottle of sparkling cider if you are not a drinker. Even if you DO imbibe, be conscious that sometimes drinking can lead to arguing.
Consider packing in a dessert, either whipped cream and strawberries, cupcakes with sprinkles, Valentine’s cookies, anything that truly celebrates the mood and stands for your unique day. NOW you’ve really accomplished something unique in your gifts for a boyfriend for Valentine’s Day.
About the Author: For a LOT more ideas on Gifts For Boyfriend For Valentines Day, check out my site at:
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