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By Wayne I Haddad
Driving freezing in your car or truck this winter season? It is amazing how fast winter temperatures and cold heaters arrive. You may not of given your car, trucks or SUV Sport Utility Vehicles heater short shift but here you are now freezing as you drive , with a windshield that just will not defrost. It is not as if you are in northern Canada where they actually plug their cars in that is plug an ac 110 volt plug into an exterior electrical socket so that their engines block heater gives a pre-warm up to their autos engine block to get their motor started easily in the winter with less wear and tear and battery juice used. Still you want to be comfortably warm in your car or truck and as well want driving safety by a non frosted or fogged windshield. What are the most common causes of cold engine heaters that will not output good heat and how can this be corrected.
The first thing to check is low rad fluid. Have either yourself, your mechanic or service adviser at your local auto dealership check fluid levels. Usually this is done in modern vehicles by simply inspecting levels in the engine coolant overflow reservoir. There will be max and min cold and hot acceptable and proper coolant level markings on the side of the canister. All in all this is a low tech procedure that most that can open a hood can do. If radiator coolant is required to top up the amount ensure that actual glycol antifreeze is added, not only water, and that your radiator cooling fluid is checked for glycol or freezing levels. You can bet that is only going to get colder and more frigid this winter. Some well meaning mechanical novice, friend or local auto know it all, may tell you that it is fine and ok. Yet if your glycol ratio in the radiator cooling fluid is diluted below antifreeze freezing levels for coming cold winter temps it is no bargain to save a few dollars on glycol antifreeze costs and have a cracked and frozen engine block. Even then if a local amateur helps you out have the antifreeze tested the next time you fill up for gas at your local full service gas station ( if any exist in your area and are still in business ) or the next time you have an oil change at your local new car auto dealership.
Next in line your gas motor power plant may have to have its thermostat replaced. It may not be closing properly to let your engine heat up being stuck in the open position. Cold water will flow through your engine and rad non stop.
The purpose of the thermostat is to shut its valve when cold. Water is restrained and contained in the engine block areas where motor heat will warm it up. This coolant liquid can then flow through your car heater when you turn it on, jack up the temperature and expect heat for both the engine compartment and defroster. If the thermostat is defective, not working or is set for warmer summer temperatures it will always be in an open position for you. Coolant will flow non stop through the radiator which is doing its job of cooling and you will never have warm water or heat from your heater.
What is the answer? Have your engine blocks thermostat inspected and tested by a trained mechanical auto professional the heating and cooling system thermostat may need replacement or seasonal change to a new replacement thermostat with winter heater range.
In the end if you are driving in the cold with a frosted windshield there is no reason to go out and shop for a new car or truck. In most cases its a simple fix by your mechanic. In the vast majority of cases you will get heat out of your heater either by simply topping up radiator fluids or by replacement of the engine thermostat.
Warm winter driving.
About the Author: Wayne I Haddad
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