Submitted by: A.Rash A.Mumin
The enduring charm of the Christmas season and the year bring out the need to express your feelings in newly creative music to create a new life. Suck up the juice out of the magical moments you have experienced to build momentum for the New Year.
The next decade will, as usual, embody 2 people:
1- The Successful pianists who will be weaving stories about to their grand kids.
2- The Left-Out folks who wonder what has just happened.
Where do you belong?
Christmas season is an opportunity to take a moment out of your busy life to design your life for many years to come.
Conceive what life you want to live and create rituals that will complete it.
Keep the piano music functioning to give you and your loved ones the pleasure and satisfaction during the Christmas season. This is because it is time to get busy making this year the best year ever in your music, inspiration and fun.
Let’s start from here.
This is what to Get if You Read This without Interruption; you would know:
1- The role of angels in your life… what they can do for you from Christmas through all the years to come.
2- The #1 Secret that led Beethoven to the discovery of 5th Symphony, and how you can put it to work for you for the next decade.
3- How your music can relate to Christmas, City of Angels and Wings of Desire.
4- One thing; how to get real angels fall in love with you instantly… help you play the piano with ease.
5- Use the best-kept secret of Kabbalah to play piano with flying colors, even if you don’t believe in it.
Playing piano in Christmas season helps and gets you up and playing the piano faster in the new year, because…
Christmas angels will reward you abundantly.
What is more?
You’ll be able to impress your family and friends and, maybe, to play music for singing carols at a Christmas get together.
This is it… Here comes Christmas… Here comes New Year… Here come all the angels. We feel special to have them all around us. We are happy to live in the world of angels in real-time. Christmas is just like taking a role in the “City of Angels” with Nicolas Cage and Meg Ryan. Angels fall in love with human beings to help.
The inspiration for this movie came from the modern and classic movie, (Wings of Desire, in which Wenders claimed angels seemed to exist in Rilke’s poetry. After many centuries, one of the angels becomes dissatisfied with his immortal state and wishes to become human to experience the joys of the everyday person like you and me. He falls in love with a mortal and finds in her the fulfillment of all his fleshly desires.)
City of Angeles involves an angel (Cage) living in this world. Dennis Franz who plays an ex-angel and Andre Braugher, an angel, both help us know so much about angels and what they do for us.
However, in Christmas season, Angeles are on a special mission. They help “the creation of time”, and this means.
1 – You get the inspiration to become a piano genius faster… you can make next year a success in your music.
2 – The muses are closer enough to listen to your prayers than ever… to show you what you want for the coming year.
3 – You can connect to the angels easily to get your music across.
The list of Christmas benefits can go on and on because…
“Eternity is in love with the creation of time”
The visionary poet, William Blake, said this to emphasize a point. There is a place, not time bound, with its inhabitants of superior or higher creatures who take an interest in us as we begin to create something new in our little life span.
I believe angels can help us when we make a bold start. They support us play our piano better. As we make efforts, we can bring out our creative child. If you do not believe in angels, stay with me, and you will see how this article will blow your imagination away… to make you a better pianist.
I think all what you should do now is to change the angle of your eyes (your perspective), so you can see the light because… whatever you see in this world depends on where you stand (physically or mentally).
A cup of water is half full or half empty depending on where you stand in your mind or your body.
Think, for a moment, of Beethoven and his discovery of the 5th Symphony, The muses had been whispering the 5th symphony to the world for some time, and only Beethoven came close enough to listen and to allow the music to flow though his body. And he said…
“Thus fate knocks at the door”, these are the boisterous words Beethoven used to characterize the topic of his 5th Symphony which was since called “Destiny Symphony”.
Yes, Fate knocks, and he opens the door… This is fascinating to hear. Is it not?
The true is that… the music was already there in eternity without a body to communicate it to us. Beethoven was there at the right time to give the body. That is not all…
Even in his last and the 9th Symphony, his goal was to find a suitable way of introducing Schiller’s ode. He got himself committed in doing just that. One day Beethoven entered the room and shouted ‘I got it, I just got it!’ Then he said… “let us sing the ode of the immortal Schiller.” (“Symphony No. 9 (Beethoven) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.”)
This is the #1 secret that rules Beethoven’s life to discover the 5th Symphony. You can make it work for you now.
This is the Christmas miracle, with which you can start your piano lessons to guarantee success… if success means playing piano professionally to steal the heart and soul of your audience.
The miracle is in getting clear of one thing, the ignorance of which all start-ups fail and knowledge of which gives you the “tiger’s advantage in the wild” to work and dominate.
Just answer these questions.
Are you interested in playing the piano?
Are you committed to playing the piano?
Your answer to this makes all the difference between Beethoven, playing the piano, and a spectator, listening to his piano music; all is good or bad depending on your desire…
This is because, if you are only interested, there is a room you can give up your piano music. You will not get out of your comfort zone, even if leaving the comfort zone will take you to the next success stage.
When you commit yourself to it, you will blow-away every mountain on your way before you even know what it is to make the success in piano music possible.
If you commit yourself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help you play the piano. Decide now. Start playing the piano now. You’ll experience a long series of events kick-out of their cells to help you, all behavior of strange incidents rise in your favor, and meetings and material help, which no man would have dreamed of, would come your way. New Year is the year for you to go forward, not another year of repeating the same life that is not working.
This is because boldness has genius and power in it. Whatever you think you can do or dream you can, begin it and commit to it now as the Christmas angels are watching you, and will stay with you for years. This will help make your piano-playing rock in history.
Get these top 10, most performed Christmas songs now. This will help you start filling the Christmas air with the sound of your music.
“Santa Claus Is Coming to Town” – Fred Coots, Haven Gillespie
“The Christmas Song” – Mel Torm, Robert Wells
“Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” – Ralph Blane, Hugh Martin
“The Little Drummer Boy” – Katherine K. Davis, Henry V. Onorati, Harry Simeone
“Winter Wonderland” – Felix Bernard, Richard B. Smith
“White Christmas” – Irving Berlin
“Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!” – Sammy Cahn, Jule Styne.
“Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” – Johnny Marks
“Jingle Bell Rock” – Joseph Carleton Beal, James Ross Boothe
“I’ll Be Home for Christmas” – Walter Kent, Kim Gannon, Buck Ram
Start practicing now to create the pleasure and satisfaction during the Christmas season. Make it a memorable Christmas gift for you and your family… your music will grow with blessings of the angels.
Do you believe in Kabbalah?
No, I do not too, but…
Kabbalists have unusual intriguing believe. They believe that there are angels above every blade of grass singing “Grow Up! Grow Up!” I say there are muses and Santa Claus on your piano calling you to play your music now and grow up. So do it now, you are not too late yet.
In Christmas season, angels are everywhere calling you up… to teach you stuff you do not know, and nobody is teaching you. Stuff that gives you success in music and life, but you are always distracted by your problems. When you start and commit to play your piano, you are now speaking their language.
Angels gather around you; they help as you give birth to yourself, to the person you came to this world to experience, to the one destiny encoded in your soul… your piano genius.
Start your piano now to allow the muses complete their mission because you are speaking their language now and that makes them happy because “Eternity is in love with the creation of time,” You remember?
You are the creation of time. You have committed yourself to create music, just like the immortal Beethoven.
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! and Happy New Year.
Best regards,
“Friend us up” and always be in the loop with the hot piano playing strategies while you are on the go.
About the Author: Rash is an inspirational Leader and a pianist who believe you have a piano genius in you. To Visit his website for more information
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