The Basics of Nasal Surgery
Nasal surgery is a common procedure that aims to correct the functionality or aesthetics of the nose. The different types of nasal surgeries range from rhinoplasty to septoplasty, each designed to serve a unique purpose. In this article, we will delve into the various types of nasal surgeries, focusing on the beneficial procedure known as silicone rhinoplasty.
A Rhinoplasty, often referred to as a ‘nose job,’ is performed to reshape the nose. It can be cosmetic, functional, or both. Some people opt for rhinoplasty to address breathing problems, while others aim at improving their appearance. Rhinoplasty can modify bone, cartilage, skin, or all three.
One specific method in this category is the silicone rhinoplasty. This method is frequently used for patients who request significant changes to the shape or size of their nose. During a silicone rhinoplasty procedure, a silicone implant is inserted into the nose to help create a more desirable shape. However, it’s crucial to consult with a skilled surgeon before opting for a silicone rhinoplasty to understand the pros, cons, and potential risks.
Septoplasty is a type of nasal surgery performed to straighten a deviated septum. The septum is the thin wall of bone and cartilage separating your nostrils. When it deviates, or bends, to one side, it can obstruct your airway and lead to breathing issues. Septoplasty helps correct this by straightening the septum, resulting in improved airflow.
Turbinectomy or Turbinoplasty
The turbinates are small structures within your nose that help humidify and heat the air you breathe in. Sometimes, these structures can become swollen, leading to nasal congestion. Turbinectomy and Turbinoplasty are procedures performed to reduce the size of the turbinates, thus enhancing airflow and making breathing much easier.
Sinus Surgery
The primary purpose of sinus surgery is to flush out the sinus cavities and restore proper sinus functionality. It’s commonly used to treat conditions like chronic sinusitis. In some cases, it might involve the removal of small amounts of bone or tissue to open the sinus drainage pathways.
Tip Plasty
Tip Plasty is a type of rhinoplasty concentrated only on the tip of the nose. The procedure helps reshape the nose tip, making it appear more proportionate to other facial features. It can be performed either for cosmetic reasons or to improve breathing.
Overall, nasal surgeries have the potential to improve not just the aesthetic features but also the functionality of the nose. From Rhinoplasty including silicone rhinoplasty to Septoplasty, choosing a specific type of nasal surgery is a decision that needs to be made based on individual needs and under the expert guidance of a qualified surgeon.